if (!defined('DUPLICATE_PAGE_PLUGIN_DIRNAME')) { define('DUPLICATE_PAGE_PLUGIN_DIRNAME', plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__))); } if (!defined('DUPLICATE_PAGE_PLUGIN_VERSION')) { define('DUPLICATE_PAGE_PLUGIN_VERSION', '4.5.3'); } if (!class_exists('duplicate_page')): class duplicate_page { /* * AutoLoad Hooks */ public function __construct() { $opt = get_option('duplicate_page_options'); register_activation_hook(__FILE__, array(&$this, 'duplicate_page_install')); add_action('admin_menu', array(&$this, 'duplicate_page_options_page')); add_filter('plugin_action_links', array(&$this, 'duplicate_page_plugin_action_links'), 10, 2); add_action('admin_action_dt_duplicate_post_as_draft', array(&$this, 'dt_duplicate_post_as_draft')); add_filter('post_row_actions', array(&$this, 'dt_duplicate_post_link'), 10, 2); add_filter('page_row_actions', array(&$this, 'dt_duplicate_post_link'), 10, 2); if (isset($opt['duplicate_post_editor']) && $opt['duplicate_post_editor'] == 'gutenberg') { add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'duplicate_page_custom_button_guten')); } elseif(isset($opt['duplicate_post_editor']) && $opt['duplicate_post_editor'] == 'all'){ add_action('admin_head', array(&$this, 'duplicate_page_custom_button_guten')); add_action('post_submitbox_misc_actions', array(&$this, 'duplicate_page_custom_button_classic')); } else { add_action('post_submitbox_misc_actions', array(&$this, 'duplicate_page_custom_button_classic')); } add_action('wp_before_admin_bar_render', array(&$this, 'duplicate_page_admin_bar_link')); add_action('init', array(&$this, 'duplicate_page_load_text_domain')); add_action('wp_ajax_mk_dp_close_dp_help', array($this, 'mk_dp_close_dp_help')); } /* * Localization - 19-dec-2016 */ public function duplicate_page_load_text_domain() { load_plugin_textdomain('duplicate-page', false, DUPLICATE_PAGE_PLUGIN_DIRNAME.'/languages'); } /* * Activation Hook */ public function duplicate_page_install() { $defaultsettings = array( 'duplicate_post_status' => 'draft', 'duplicate_post_redirect' => 'to_list', 'duplicate_post_suffix' => '', 'duplicate_post_editor' => 'classic', ); $opt = get_option('duplicate_page_options'); if (!isset($opt['duplicate_post_status'])) { update_option('duplicate_page_options', $defaultsettings); } } /* Action Links */ public function duplicate_page_plugin_action_links($links, $file) { if ($file == plugin_basename(__FILE__)) { $duplicate_page_links = ''.__('Settings', 'duplicate-page').''; $duplicate_page_donate = ''.__('Donate', 'duplicate-page').''; array_unshift($links, $duplicate_page_donate); array_unshift($links, $duplicate_page_links); } return $links; } /* * Admin Menu */ public function duplicate_page_options_page() { add_options_page(__('Duplicate Page', 'duplicate-page'), __('Duplicate Page', 'duplicate-page'), 'manage_options', 'duplicate_page_settings', array(&$this, 'duplicate_page_settings')); } /* * Duplicate Page Admin Settings */ public function duplicate_page_settings() { if (current_user_can('manage_options')) { include 'inc/admin-settings.php'; } } /* * Main function */ public function dt_duplicate_post_as_draft() { /* * get Nonce value */ $nonce = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['nonce']); /* * get the original post id */ $post_id = (isset($_GET['post']) ? intval($_GET['post']) : intval($_POST['post'])); $post = get_post($post_id); $current_user_id = get_current_user_id(); if(wp_verify_nonce( $nonce, 'dt-duplicate-page-'.$post_id)) { if (current_user_can('manage_options') || current_user_can('edit_others_posts')) { $this->duplicate_edit_post($post_id); } else if (current_user_can('contributor') && $current_user_id == $post->post_author){ $this->duplicate_edit_post($post_id, 'pending'); } else if (current_user_can('edit_posts') && $current_user_id == $post->post_author ){ $this->duplicate_edit_post($post_id); } else { wp_die(__('Unauthorized Access.','duplicate-page')); } } else { wp_die(__('Security check issue, Please try again.','duplicate-page')); } } /** * Duplicate edit post */ public function duplicate_edit_post($post_id,$post_status_update='') { global $wpdb; $opt = get_option('duplicate_page_options'); $suffix = isset($opt['duplicate_post_suffix']) && !empty($opt['duplicate_post_suffix']) ? ' -- '.esc_attr($opt['duplicate_post_suffix']) : ''; if($post_status_update == ''){ $post_status = !empty($opt['duplicate_post_status']) ? esc_attr($opt['duplicate_post_status']) : 'draft'; }else{ $post_status = $post_status_update; } $redirectit = !empty($opt['duplicate_post_redirect']) ? esc_attr($opt['duplicate_post_redirect']) : 'to_list'; if (!(isset($_GET['post']) || isset($_POST['post']) || (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && 'dt_duplicate_post_as_draft' == sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['action'])))) { wp_die(__('No post to duplicate has been supplied!','duplicate-page')); } $returnpage = ''; /* * and all the original post data then */ $post = get_post($post_id); /* * if you don't want current user to be the new post author, * then change next couple of lines to this: $new_post_author = $post->post_author; */ $current_user = wp_get_current_user(); $new_post_author = $current_user->ID; /* * if post data exists, create the post duplicate */ if (isset($post) && $post != null) { /* * new post data array */ $args = array( 'comment_status' => $post->comment_status, 'ping_status' => $post->ping_status, 'post_author' => $new_post_author, 'post_content' => (isset($opt['duplicate_post_editor']) && $opt['duplicate_post_editor'] == 'gutenberg') ? wp_slash($post->post_content) : $post->post_content, 'post_excerpt' => $post->post_excerpt, 'post_parent' => $post->post_parent, 'post_password' => $post->post_password, 'post_status' => $post_status, 'post_title' => $post->post_title.$suffix, 'post_type' => $post->post_type, 'to_ping' => $post->to_ping, 'menu_order' => $post->menu_order, ); /* * insert the post by wp_insert_post() function */ $new_post_id = wp_insert_post($args); if(is_wp_error($new_post_id)){ wp_die(__($new_post_id->get_error_message(),'duplicate-page')); } /* * get all current post terms ad set them to the new post draft */ $taxonomies = array_map('sanitize_text_field',get_object_taxonomies($post->post_type)); if (!empty($taxonomies) && is_array($taxonomies)): foreach ($taxonomies as $taxonomy) { $post_terms = wp_get_object_terms($post_id, $taxonomy, array('fields' => 'slugs')); wp_set_object_terms($new_post_id, $post_terms, $taxonomy, false); } endif; /* * duplicate all post meta */ $post_meta_keys = get_post_custom_keys( $post_id ); if(!empty($post_meta_keys)){ foreach ( $post_meta_keys as $meta_key ) { $meta_values = get_post_custom_values( $meta_key, $post_id ); foreach ( $meta_values as $meta_value ) { $meta_value = maybe_unserialize( $meta_value ); update_post_meta( $new_post_id, $meta_key, wp_slash( $meta_value ) ); } } } /** * Elementor compatibility fixes */ if(is_plugin_active( 'elementor/elementor.php' )){ $css = Elementor\Core\Files\CSS\Post::create( $new_post_id ); $css->update(); } /* * finally, redirecting to your choice */ if ($post->post_type != 'post'){ $returnpage = '?post_type='.$post->post_type; } if (!empty($redirectit) && $redirectit == 'to_list'){ wp_redirect(esc_url_raw(admin_url('edit.php'.$returnpage))); } elseif (!empty($redirectit) && $redirectit == 'to_page'){ wp_redirect(esc_url_raw(admin_url('post.php?action=edit&post='.$new_post_id))); } else { wp_redirect(esc_url_raw(admin_url('edit.php'.$returnpage))); } exit; } else { wp_die(__('Error! Post creation failed, could not find original post: ','duplicate-page').$post_id); } } /* * Add the duplicate link to action list for post_row_actions */ public function dt_duplicate_post_link($actions, $post) { // Skip acf-field-group post type if($post->post_type == 'acf-field-group'){ return $actions; } $opt = get_option('duplicate_page_options'); $post_status = !empty($opt['duplicate_post_status']) ? esc_attr($opt['duplicate_post_status']) : 'draft'; if (current_user_can('edit_posts')) { $actions['duplicate'] = isset($post) ? ''.__('Duplicate This', 'duplicate-page').'' : ''; } return $actions; } /* * Add the duplicate link to edit screen - classic editor */ public function duplicate_page_custom_button_classic() { global $post; $opt = get_option('duplicate_page_options'); $post_status = !empty($opt['duplicate_post_status']) ? esc_attr($opt['duplicate_post_status']) : 'draft'; $html = '
'; $html .= '
'; $html .= isset($post) ? ''.__('Duplicate This', 'duplicate-page').'' :''; $html .= '
'; $html .= '
'; $content = apply_filters('wpautop', $html); $content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $content); echo $content; } /* * Add the duplicate link to edit screen - gutenberg */ public function duplicate_page_custom_button_guten() { global $post; if ($post) { $opt = get_option('duplicate_page_options'); $post_status = !empty($opt['duplicate_post_status']) ? esc_attr($opt['duplicate_post_status']) : 'draft'; if (isset($opt['duplicate_post_editor']) && ($opt['duplicate_post_editor'] == 'gutenberg' || $opt['duplicate_post_editor'] == 'all')) { wp_enqueue_style('dp-main-style', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'css/dp_gutenberg.css'); wp_register_script( "dt_duplicate_post_script", plugins_url( '/js/editor-script.js', __FILE__ ), array( 'wp-edit-post', 'wp-plugins', 'wp-i18n', 'wp-element' ), DUPLICATE_PAGE_PLUGIN_VERSION); wp_localize_script( 'dt_duplicate_post_script', 'dt_params', array( 'dp_post_id' => intval($post->ID), 'dtnonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'dt-duplicate-page-'.intval($post->ID)), 'dp_post_text' => __("Duplicate This",'duplicate-page'), 'dp_post_title'=> __('Duplicate this as ','duplicate-page').$post_status, 'dp_duplicate_link' => "admin.php?action=dt_duplicate_post_as_draft" ) ); wp_enqueue_script( 'dt_duplicate_post_script' ); } } } /* * Admin Bar Duplicate This Link */ public function duplicate_page_admin_bar_link() { global $wp_admin_bar, $post; $opt = get_option('duplicate_page_options'); $post_status = !empty($opt['duplicate_post_status']) ? esc_attr($opt['duplicate_post_status']) : 'draft'; $current_object = get_queried_object(); if (empty($current_object)) { return; } if (!empty($current_object->post_type) && ($post_type_object = get_post_type_object($current_object->post_type)) && ($post_type_object->show_ui || $current_object->post_type == 'attachment')) { $wp_admin_bar->add_menu(array( 'parent' => 'edit', 'id' => 'duplicate_this', 'title' => __('Duplicate This as ', 'duplicate-page').$post_status, 'href' => isset($post) ? esc_url_raw(admin_url().'admin.php?action=dt_duplicate_post_as_draft&post='.intval($post->ID).'&nonce='.wp_create_nonce( 'dt-duplicate-page-'.intval($post->ID))) :'', )); } } /* * Redirect function */ public static function dp_redirect($url) { $web_url = esc_url_raw($url); wp_register_script( 'dp-setting-redirect', ''); wp_enqueue_script( 'dp-setting-redirect' ); wp_add_inline_script( 'dp-setting-redirect', ' window.location.href="'.$web_url.'" ;' ); } /* Load Help Desk */ public function load_help_desk() { $mkcontent = ''; $mkcontent .= ''; if (false === ($mk_dp_close_dp_help_c = get_option('mk_fm_close_fm_help_c'))) { echo apply_filters('the_content', $mkcontent); } } /* Close Help */ public function mk_dp_close_dp_help() { $nonce = sanitize_text_field($_REQUEST['nonce']); if (wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'nc_help_desk')) { if (false === ($mk_fm_close_fm_help_c = get_option('mk_fm_close_fm_help_c'))) { $set = update_option('mk_fm_close_fm_help_c', 'done'); if ($set) { echo 'ok'; } else { echo 'oh'; } } else { echo 'ac'; } }else { echo 'ac'; } die; } /* Custom Assets */ public function custom_assets() { wp_enqueue_style( 'duplicate-page', plugins_url( '/css/duplicate_page.css', __FILE__ ) ); wp_enqueue_script( 'duplicate-page', plugins_url( '/js/duplicate_page.js', __FILE__ ) ); wp_localize_script( 'duplicate-page', 'dt_params', array( 'ajax_url' => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php'), 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'nc_help_desk' )) ); } } new duplicate_page(); endif; Technická voda a cena zariadení Aqua Demi - Marlus Group

Destilátor Aqualab demi – osmotický filter je ideálnym riešením pre prevádzky čo potrebujú technickú demineralizovanú vodu pre svoje pracovné potreby ako sú autoservisy, žehliarne, strojárske firmy na miešanie chladiacich zmesí, akvaristiku a iné.

Cena destilátora Aqualab demi je závislá od množstva a kvality demineralizovanej vody. Potreby zásobníka , automatickej prevádzky a pod.

Ak hľadáte riešenie ako uhttps://www.marlus.sk/produkty/filtre-na-vyrobu-demineralizovanej-vody/aqulab-filter-na-vyrobu-demi-vodšetriť čas, peniaze, priestor, el. energiu, je destilátor to pravé riešenie.

Keďže cena osmotického filtra je závislá od množstva a kvality výstupnej vody – pošlite nám vaše požiadavky a potreby na demineralizovanú vodu a my vám pripravíme najvýhodnejšie riešenie.

Technická voda s nasledujúcimi výhodami:

  • už žiadne nákupy drahej demineralizovanej vody v plastových obaloch
  • žiadny odpad z plastou – príroda vám bude vďačná
  • žiadne skladovanie a zaberanie skladových priestorov
  • žiadne obmädzovanie v spotrebe demineralizovanej vody

Popis zloženia destilátora – Aqualabu demi:

  • mechanická filtrácia
  • uhlíková filtrácia
  • demineralizácia – reverzná osmóza

Destilátor je možné rozšíriť o:

  • tlakové čerpadlo
  • zásobník vody podľa potreby
  • merač vodivosti
  • uv lampu

Odporúčané produkty

Najnovšie články


Prečo si vybrať osmotický filter? 3 najdôležitejšie fakty

Je osmotický filter to najlepšie riešenie pre úpravu mestskej, alebo studničnej vody ? Ako filtruje vodu? Čo dokáže filtrovať ? Ako filtruje vodu ? Čo je to reverzná osmóza? Je naozaj voda po filtrácii bez minerálov?

Prečítať článok

Inštalácia technológie na úpravu vody alebo filtrácie

Vybrali ste si filtráciu alebo úpravu vody? Našli sme pre vás riešenie ako upraviť vašu mestskú, alebo studničnú vodu? To čo sme navrhli, alebo ste si vybrali vám aj nainštalujeme. Je pripravených 8 technikov čo denne inštalujú, servisujú technológie na úpravu vody.

Prečítať článok

Návrh úpravy vody podľa vašich potrieb

Voda v našich domácnostiach sa používa na veľa účelov, ako na pitie, varenie, kúpanie, pranie, kúrenie. Ale mať dnes kvalitnú vodu je v dnešnej dobe nie otázkou šance, ale voľby. Každý z nás sa môže rozhodnúť akú kvalitnú vodu bude mať na dennodenné používanie.

Prečítať článok

ČO JE a ČO NIE JE zmäkčovač vody?

Ak vo vyhľadávači zadáte, aby vám našlo zmäkčovač vody, nie vždy sa Vám naozaj ukážu skutočné zmäkčovače vody.

Prečítať článok

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